EXCHANGE: $25-$55 Sliding Scale | Register
Online via Zoom
Thursday, Sep. 21st, from 7-8:30pm EST
This is a MINKA x Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Partnership Offering—Created to Bring Efforts of Equity, Diversity, and Decolonizing Work to All.
Join us as we explore the relationship between our inner child(ren) and current Self. During this meditative journey, we utilize breathwork, imagery, sound and journaling to invite a deep sense of self discovery, compassion and radical acceptance. Seasonal Theme: Restorative Balance within Relationships.
As a liberation-focused guide, Aura Soleil speaks to the decolonization of God, the impact of mental health within Spirituality and the prioritization of practices that honor the Earth.
Soleil is a teaching Reiki Master, certified in Trauma Informed, Holistic + Integrative Health with a concentration in Sound Therapy, Trauma Recovery, Shadow Work and Depression + Anxiety Management. Her Yoga practice began in 2013 and she is currently in her second certification program working towards 500 hours of training.
Soleil was raised in the Yoruba Pentecostal Church and as Worship Leader, learned to open, invite and hold sacred space for God, Spirit and community. This served as an incubator for many of her favorite modalities such as song, dance, dream work, composition, prophecy, candle work, laying of hands, Shamanic Journeying and speaking in tongues. This fueled a life long journey of sacred study, mystic arts, philanthropic endeavors and communion with the Divine.
What Is Sliding Scale?
We provide all of our community offerings and some private sessions by sliding scale. We believe everyone is entitled to heal their wounds so they can thrive; we also believe that the wellness and healing practitioners deserve to make a living wage. In order to make this possible, we ask you to pay as much as you can, so those who might not be able to pay as much can still receive their healing session - this is the idea behind 'paying it forward'. We are all in this together, and we choose to do our best to take care of one another.
Thank you in advance!