MINKA means ‘home of the people’
Our individual healing is crucial for social change.
We honor all that has come before us.
We acknowledge the ancestral stewards and the land that we live and move upon. MINKA was founded on the ancestrals land of the Lenape and Canarsee people. Find out whose land you are on here.
We respect the lineage of our healing practices. We pay homage to the originators and teachers of the modalities we offer while acknowledging that some tools have been used to exploit others. We are committed to learning and unlearning to reduce any harm caused.
We honor the Earth and actively nurture and respect our environment. We strive to be in harmony always, in all ways.
We are MINKA: ‘Home of the People; a space for all. We center those that have been historically marginalized: Black, Brown, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, immigrants, differently-abled, the impoverished, and communities in crisis.
We trust the mysterious and unlimited healing capacities of all. We seek to align with the healing wisdom of nature through our body, mind and soul.
We strive to collectively care for our clients for their highest possible healing. Collaboration amongst our Member Practitioners, medical professionals, and our expanding list of organizational partners when possible is integral to achieving our collective goal of healing.
We seek to understand, rather than make judgements.
We commit to diving deeper into our personal healing work in order to best serve others. We honor the healing process as much as the outcome.
We work at the intersection of individual healing and social justice. Individual healing and Societal healing are intrinsically intertwined.
In the spirit of intentional co-creation and collective liberation, the following are the standard invitations MINKA extends in all spaces it hosts or is a participant. We hope they resonate and that you will join us in these practices.
Honor the land and its history. We honor the native land that we find ourselves on and it’s ancestral stewards. We offer gratitude and reverence to the Canarsie/Munsee Lenape people and land where MINKA Brooklyn was born. For those of us who are settlers of this Indigenous land, we must constantly give thanks and acknowledge the stolen lives and the ongoing struggles of our Indigenous family in the face of imperialism and colonization. This is the foundation from where we begin our sessions. Find out who’s land you are on here.
This is a space where we are actively co-creating safety. In this space we can be our most honest and transparent selves while practicing with integrity. Together we learn to get comfortable going beyond our comfort zones.
Be a risk taker/truth sharer. Speak your truth, and expect to be heard. We are here to listen and learn from everyone.
Speak from the ‘I’ . We speak from our own experiences and perspectives.
Be Concise. Share your heart fully while allowing and inviting others to do the same.
Be aware of the space, Internally and externally . Stay engaged with your whole body, listen to your heart and be sensitive to what's happening in the room.
Be respectful of people’s identities. Don’t assume gender, ethnicity, and/or race. Always listen; ask when appropriate.
Be mindful of any judgment that may arise. Reflect on where they stem from and ask questions. Everyone's experience is unique, needed, and respected.
Be curious and willing to learn from new ideas and ways of doing things.
Be compassionate and patient with people’s learning curves. Making mistakes is part of the process of integrating new awareness and ways of being. Discern between malicious intent and unintentional harm.
Confidentiality. What happens in the healing space stays in the healing space. Keep all participants’ identities and stories confidential.
Expect ‘non-closure’ and befriend uncertainty. Healing is a life-long journey of possibility, learning and unlearning.
Separation of role and communal spaces. If community members engage in professional relationships outside of MINKA, all parties still reserve the right to occupy MINKA's communal spaces regardless of "role". All parties agree to maintain impartial, healthy and safe interpersonal styles of communication.
Embody the intersection of healing and social justice. We commit to harm reduction conversations, practices and training, as well as the exploration of individual and collective impact.
When I is replaced by we, Illness becomes Wellness!
—Malcolm X