ABOUT Winter Jendayi

Winter is a ceremonialist, musician, mentor and guide who holds sacred spaces to support others in healing, transformation and awakening. Winter is a Moon Dancer, Sahumadora and Pipe Carrier of the Metzliyolilitzli Danza where she has been dancing since 2014. Her path is firmly rooted in the Red Road teachings of the Seven Directions and the wisdom ways of her ancestral lineages.

Winter is committed to serving the realms of Spirit and the Earth through offering her work to support others in opening new pathways in which they can come into more harmony and alignment in their life. Her focus is on holding space for others as they reclaim the many initiations and rites of passages of life and connect with the rhythms and cycles of nature so they may heal and transform, remembering who they are and finding empowerment in their being from which they may manifest a life of greater fulfillment - a life which embodies sacred reciprocity with the natural world.

Music is the heartbeat of Winter’s life and sacred song is woven into many of her offerings as she allows the sounds and vibrations to inspire and facilitate healing. Winter released her debut album, Hilos Sagrados, on September 22nd, 2022. This album is a weaving of 11 original songs which capture the many stories of her journey through healing, awakening and prayer. Hilos Sagrados is an ancestral offering, born from remembrance and reclamation.
Winter is also a certified yoga instructor (E-RYT) with 700 hours of training. She first studied yoga in Southern India in 2015 where she became certified, and continued her yogic studies in California, followed by an advanced program in Guatemaya. Winter has an intuitive approach to her yoga practice and instruction and enjoys flow-style yoga with a balance of strengthening and stretching for the body.

International travel has been an influential part of Winter’s life throughout the past nine years as she has spent time in countries and communities around the globe, studying with indigenous teachers and weaving worlds as a community organizer, musician and ceremonial guardian. Winter feels strongly that in order to maintain integrity with the work she offers, it requires cultural immersion, direct experience and continuous study within the spaces of her elders and teachers.

Currently, Winter shares her work through a variety of programs, private sessions, circles and workshops; virtually, locally and internationally. All of her offerings are held within her sacred space, Altar de Koskatlan.


Altar de Koskatlan - 1:1 Mentorship Program

A six-month journey within the Altar of the Medicine Wheel. An immersion into earth-based teachings with individualized guidance to support you as you awaken, transform, reclaim and remember.

This Mentorship Program focuses on two major components:

Sacred Teachings ~ This component is offered through the transmission of teachings which Winter shares throughout the six-months. She shares in-depth about each of the Seven Directions, the Elements, Chakras, Seasons, Moon Cycles and much more, weaving across cultures and revealing the common threads between lineages of all peoples of the Earth. Through these teachings, Winter provides a framework in which to integrate and apply one’s personal life, and this framework becomes a support for the individual from which they can navigate, much like having a compass. This system is a living altar which supports the individual in feeling Rooted & Connected, and oriented towards their personal North Star.

PDF documents are provided for each of the Five Gateways which make up the Altar of this Mentorship, providing the individual with information on practices and tools to support them in studying, integrating and understanding this wisdom.

Individualized Guidance ~ This component of the Mentorship supports in the integration of all of the teachings shared, and provides the opportunity for the mentee to be supported in integrating this altar and wisdom, into their life. With the intuitive guidance and support that Winter shares, she holds a safe and sacred container which allows the mentee to share vulnerably and examine the different areas of their life, coming into clarity of where they’d like to create changes, make shifts, tend to necessary healing, create new openings, and use this Mentorship as a stepping stone towards growth and steps towards the embodiment of a more aligned, empowered and harmonic version of who they are.

This Mentorship holds space for accountability as the individual is guided forward throughout the process, and offers stability through the rhythm of the bi-monthly sessions. Winter supports the individual in truly understanding and anchoring the teachings shared, so that the mentee not only has a mental/information-based understanding but rather stands within this wisdom through experience and embodiment as they become the living, breathing altar of their life.

This Mentorship will carry you through the gateway of your Transformation. Upon completion, you will see and experience noticeable differences in your life as well as a strengthened sense of Self and connection with your Center. Throughout this Mentorship, faith, hope and inspiration are cultivated as the magic of the Great Mystery of the Web of Life is revealed in both subtle and powerful ways within and without.

~ What’s Included ~
* Twelve virtual 1:1 Sessions (offered bi-monthly through Zoom and lasting for 60-75 minutes)
* Six PDF documents with materials to support the learning process
* Voice messaging support throughout the duration of the Mentorship
* Connection with other Mentees in a group chat with occasional group check-ins

~ Program Curriculum ~

Session I ~ Opening
Laying the foundation for the six-month journey. Examining where the Mentee is currently at and what they are entering the container with. Here we begin to cultivate a clear vision for what we are moving towards.

Sessions II & III ~ East/Air ~ Mental
Expression of Truth
Voice & Breath
Clear Vision
Bigger Picture

Sessions IV & V ~ South/Fire ~ Energetic
Willpower & Strength
Inner Child work
Joy & Action
Transformation & Transmutation
Divine Masculine energy

Sessions VI & VII ~ West/Water ~ Emotional
Womb & Moon Wisdom
Nourishment & Care
Sacred Sexuality
Receptivity & Abundance
Divine Feminine energy

Sessions VIII & IX ~ North/Earth ~ Physical
Ancestral Healing
Remembrance & Reclamation
Building a Foundation
Earth Connection

Sessions X & XI ~ Above, Below, Within ~ Spiritual
Intuition & Spirit
Totems & Allies
The Flowering Heart
Rooted & Connected
The Altar of Self
Sacred Embodiment

Session XII ~ Closing
Reflecting upon the six-month journey, acknowledging the transformation, affirming new openings, closing the Directions.

Financial Contribution
Payment In Full ~ One payment of $3,000
Monthly ~ Six payments of $520
Bi-Monthly ~ Twelve payments of $266


"My journey during this mentorship was nothing short of profound. I had wanted to create a deeper connection to the directions and in this mentorship, got to work with each one individually over the course of 6+ months. This mentorship for me was a series of initiations, taking me deeper into myself and deepening my connection with the elements and the unseen support that is here for all of us. I had a really palpable experience of everything happening exactly as it is supposed to. The perfect unfolding that birthed this whole new level of clarity, focus, inspiration, and alignment for me that is beyond what I expected. I was blown away by the synchronicity of the journey and the space that Winter held for the unfolding of the journey. She had this approach of holding the container in a way that was empowering and validating for me, and allowed me to really start trusting myself in a new way. She was a guide, but also held the mirror that showed me that I am capable and have all that I need within me. I am so grateful for the journey she supported me on and I have a well of support to draw from now through everything I learned from Winter, from this journey back to the center of my own medicine wheel."

- JM