ABOUT Takemi

It is my joy to share the gift from the Universe. It is my joy to see when people find their lights in them. It is my joy that I found my lifework. I am still learning, changing, evolving, remain humble and grateful to be a part of the journey that people go through for their healing process. I believe “we all need each other to evolve and to remember who we really are”

Takemi was born and raised in Japan, and she is living in NY working as an energy healing practitioner and performing artist. She is a certified Reiki Master/Teacher and Advanced IET practitioner. She is also a performing artist based in New York, worked with numerous companies and individual artists. She feels both performing art and energy work integrate herself and necessary parts of her life. She is honored to be a part of MINKA family, and to offer her service in Brooklyn, the place she loves.

To find out Takemi as a performing artist, please visit takemikitamura.com



Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy. It connects you to this intelligence to heal and restore the balance of our body-mind energy fields. It is a deeply relaxing, gentle, and empowering way to promote wellbeing at all levels, and helps restore the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

IET (Integrated Energy Therapy): known as “get the issues out of tissues”, IET is a safe, yet powerful modality to release suppressed feelings and energy blocks from cellular memory. It is nurturing way to release emotions, old ideas and beliefs, and traumas in physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

*90 minutes is recommended for your first IET session.

In-Person Session

60 min: sliding scale $100-$140

90 min: sliding scale $150-$210

Distance Session

30 min: sliding scale $40-$60

45 min: sliding scale $60-$90

60 min: sliding scale $80-$120