EXCHANGE: $25-55 Sliding Scale
Space by Lindai's Bodywork in Brooklyn,
Friday, August 11th 2023, 5 - 6pm EST
The Tibetan Rites represent a system of exercise that affects the body, emotions and mind. The Tibetans claim that these exercises activate and stimulate the seven key chakras that in turn stimulate all the glands of the endocrine system. The endocrine system is responsible for the body's overall functioning and aging process. This means that the Five Rites will affect the functioning of all your organs and systems, including the physical and energetic systems and that includes the aging process. The man who brought these Five Rights out of Tibet stated that "performing the Five Rites stimulates the circulation of essential life energy throughout the body.
What Is Sliding Scale?
We provide all of our community offerings and some private sessions by sliding scale. We believe everyone is entitled to heal their wounds so they can thrive; we also believe that the wellness and healing practitioners deserve to make a living wage. In order to make this possible, we ask you to pay as much as you can, so those who might not be able to pay as much can still receive their healing session - this is the idea behind 'paying it forward'. We are all in this together, and we choose to do our best to take care of one another.
Thank you in advance!