Soul Retrieval and Energetic Activation for “Alchemist” Archetype
Guided by: Aki Quetzalyolotzin Jewel Moon Medicine Woman
Sliding Scale: $120 - $180 | Register
Dark (New) Moon: October 31 (Dark Moon): Healing for the Alchemist
Full Moon: November 16th, 7pm or Recorded Activation
Option to explore multiple archetypes:
Any 6 Archetype Exchange: $700
12 Archetype Exchange (full year): $1200 + discount for Aki’s October 2024 Joshua Tree Retreat)
All sessions will take place online via Zoom and will be recorded. Full moon Activation meditation will be sent as a separate file for the students to access throughout the Full Moon to New moon phase for integration.
Each month, you will experience the reclamation of a particular archetype through a soul retrieval session during the Dark Moon, then an energetic activation of the archetype during the Full Moon. Gatherings start on August 3rd Dark Moon 2024, and end on the July 25th Full Moon.
Join in for a single dark moon healing & full moon activation cycle, or commit to a six or twelve month journey through the moon cycles.
Each Gathering is designed in the following way:
Dark Moon Healing Session & Arrival
Archetype exploration & meditation (PDF will be shared)
Soul Retrieval
Full Moon Activation session
Integration check in
Energetic Activation of the Archetype (Audio Recording will be shared)
Somatic Activation Video with Saya
Activation Playlist by Conn Alana
Poetry by Aura Olamide Soleil
Upcoming Gatherings
December 1st (New Moon): Healing for the VISIONARY & December 15th (Full Moon)
December 30th (New Moon): Healing for the PRIESTESS & January 14th ( Full Moon): Activation of the PRIESTESS
January 29th (Dark Moon): Healing for the REBEL & February 12th (Full Moon): Activation of the REBEL
February 28th ( Dark Moon): Healing for the MYSTIC & March 14th (Full Moon): Activation of the MYSTIC
March 28th (Dark Super Moon): Healing for the HUNTRESS & April 13th ( Full Moon): Activation of the HUNTRESS
April 27th ( Dark Super Moon): Healing for the EMPRESS & May 13th (Full Moon): Activation of the EMPRESS
May 27th (New Super Moon): Healing for the MAGICIAN - Fairy & June 11th (Full Moon) - Recording, Moon Dance: Activation of the MAGICIAN
June 25th (Dark Moon): Healing for the MATRIARCH & July 11th (Full Moon): Activation of the MATRIARCH
See more info below.
‘Humanity is in need of the return of the real feminine principle.’
~ Arkan Lushwala, the Time of the Black Jaguar
‘The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.’
~ Carl Jung
It is said we are living in a time where the Feminine is to be reclaimed in order for humanity and all of its relations to regain balance.
There are countless Divine Feminine posts that urges us to demand equal pay and the right to breastfeed, and reclaim our sensuality. That is certainly a part of it - and that’s not all there is to the power of the Feminine.
As a student of the Earth and the Cosmo, the wise ones tell me that this is a very small part of the whole picture. The Western Culture has flattened the existence of the Feminine; though we now conceptually understand that we have more than Mary and Venus as a ‘good’ archetype, we have forgotten our way to reclaim the vastness of the Feminine that can bring much fullness and complexity to our lives. Just as a person is complex, so is the Feminine.
Why do we short change ourselves?
Can we, as humanity as a whole, continue moving towards the extreme imbalances created by the misaligned Masculine that are playing out on the world stages?
Why are we seeing massive numbers of children dying ? Mothers and fathers crying? Grandparents not having anyone to share their wisdom with?
If the Masculine is out of balance - then what is happening to the Feminine that is the counterbalancing force to the Masculine?
Just as much as we are suffering from the wounded and misaligned masculine in our society, we are also suffering from the loss of the Feminine expressions. For so long, in the pursuit of material gain and accumulation of power stemming from the scarcity mentality created by capitalism and patriarchy, we have invested much of our energy towards the misaligned masculine no matter our assigned gender. There has been a cry for the Masculine to return to its sacred-ness. Indeed, it is time that we let go of the man-made framework of masculinity to return to the half of the Divine Order.
So now, what about our lost Feminine? Are we living the fullest Divine expression of the Feminine right now?
As above, so below. As within, as without.
One of the facts that the Masculine is out of balance is because the Feminine is still lost and forgotten. Of course, there has been a concerted effort to suppress Feminine, for as long as we can remember. Yet the world was once in opposite balance, where the Masculine was lost under the power of the Feminine. We are experiencing the last bit of the swing of the polarity playing their parts.
The real question is: are we going back to swing far out for revenge and vengeance, or are we finding harmony and unity through our learnings? If that is what we are moving towards, we are not moving towards the reclamation of the forgotten Feminine from the aligned perspective. Just as the Masculine turned itself into the misaligned violence, Feminine can, just as much as the Masculine can and maybe even more, turn itself towards the creation of suffering.
This course is not for everyone.
Not like how you may think - this space will be open to persons of any gender identity and sexual orientation. This course is ONLY for those who seek to stop the extreme swinging between the polarities, the ones who are brave enough to say enough is enough. This course is created for anyone who is interested in picking up the pieces of themselves wounded and forgotten across timelines . These sessions serve as a way to bring half of the equation, the Feminine to its potency, in order for the other half to be able to have its nest for unfurling and healing. The Masculine will not return to its fullest alignment if the Feminine expressions are lost in the abyss.
You may be carrying this archetype already inside, wounded and hiding for its full expression, or you may be lost at how to find this inside of you. You could even be feeling this archetype is not necessary nor useful. The truth is that the start we are born to be has all these facets. In order for its full potency to come through, we must reclaim all of them for embodiment.
Aki Quetzalyolotzin Jewel Moon Medicine Woman is attuned to various energetic healing frequencies including Usui Reiki, Earth Evolution Reiki, IET, and 13th Octave LaHoChi. She is also a master teacher of Usui Reiki, co-channeller of Earth Evolution Reiki symbols, and the founder of MINKA Brooklyn. She is a moondancer, and trained under numerous teachers of ancient traditions, including Hatha yoga, pranayama and meditation (Integral Yoga Institute), Ayurvedic Nutrition (Naina Marballi), Art of Energy Healing (Suzy Mezoly), MedicineWay (Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman), Toltec Healing Practice (Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl), Curanderismo (Rita Navarete Prez and Tonia Gonzalez) and more.
Paying it Forward
We provide most of our community offerings and private sessions by sliding scale. This is based on the idea of ‘paying it forward’ which enables more people to access healing and wellness. This works when people pay as much as they can for our offerings to help others who may be less fortunate be able to gain access, too. We believe everyone is entitled to heal and thrive, and that practitioners deserve to earn a living wage. We are all in this together and choose to do our best to take care of one another.
Thank you for being part of the MINKA community!