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In Formation! Sacred Geometry& Formula Making


FACILITATED BY: Lindsay Fauntleroy

EXCHANGE: $625 1 Payment (Discounted until 4/15); Payment Plan Option

In Partnership with Spirit Seed

Flower essence formulas are carefully constructed to facilitate archetypal shifts. In this course, you will apply the principles of sacred geometry to make flower essence blends that function as a synergistic whole.

You will gain insight into the roles that flowers play within a formula: Mamas, Allies, Elders, and the Heart, and explore how to build formulas that honor relationship between each flower in the formula as it holds its position in the sacred geometric form.

Through formula analysis and case studies, you will work collaboratively with colleagues to create dynamic and effective flower essence formulas.In Formation: Sacred Geometry & Formula Making is a required course for the Flower Essence Practitioner Certification program.  (If you are brand spankin’ new to flower essences, you are welcome to join- but we recommend that you take our online, self-paced Intro to Flower Essences course at the same time!)

This course meets for 5 live virtual sessions via Zoom from 11-1:30pm EST, May 15- June 26, 2022. There is also a lively student discussion forum with weekly practice exercises.  

Course Dates 

(80% attendance is required for certification credit)

May 15th, 22nd

June 5th, 12th, 26th

(We Remember:  no classes on May 29th or June 19th)

Books used in class:

A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe: Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science by Michael S. Schneider (HarperPerennial 1995) 

Flower Essence Repertory: A Comprehensive Guide to the Flower Essences researched by Dr. Edward Bach and the Flower Essence Society by Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminski 

Flower Essence Services Affirm-a-Flower Deck

The Hidden Geometry of Flowers: Living Rhythms, Form and Number by Keith Critchow (Floris Books 2011)

Also Recommended: The Archetypal Cosmos: Rediscovering the Gods in Myth, Science and Astrology by Keiron Le Grice (Floris Books 2011)

Facilitated by @LindsayFaunt @spirit_seed_school


Lindsay Fauntleroy is an acupuncturist, integrative counselor, educator, and thought leader in the field of mind-body medicine. Her interdisciplinary approach draws on the wisdom of psychology, the science of the subtle body, the intersection of spiritual and religious teachings, and indigenous approaches to self-cultivation and mastery. Lindsay guides patients on their journey to physical and emotional wellness, meaningful transformation, and personal evolution as they manifest their goals.

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