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Rattle & Hum: Voice Sounds of the Heart

FACILITATED BY: Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman

EXCHANGE: $65-95 Sliding Scale


This is a MINKA x Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Partnership Offering—Created to Bring Efforts of Equity, Diversity, and Decolonizing Work to All. 

A MedicineWay Master Class

This class invites you to enter into the sound of ecstasy within the Spirit of the rattle and voice, within your heart, to wrap yourself with the inner wisdom of harmonic sound; as we re-connect to the medicine of the sound healers.

Allow your imagination to explore the sounds of different types of rattles, uses and techniques as they relate to curative modalities of feeding the mind, body & Spirit. The mysteries within the rattle and the elemental sounds have the power to transform. Stir into action, activate tones and rhythms within us to free up our bio-electric nervous energy system and our brain waves; these wavelengths can penetrate and align our internal organs.

In this class, you will:

  • Experiment ways of finding the rhythm for yourself and your clientele.

  • Use your voice as a sound healing tool to help calm, center, soothe and shift the energy and auric fields.

  • Learn to reach out-of-body trance state to free the spirit of both the healer and those who receive.

This workshop is beneficial for those who need to find their voice and attune themselves by listening deeply to their heart's voice. Everyone is welcome: from beginners to advanced energy workers, Shamanic, Reiki, and crystal practitioners and healers.

*Please bring your favorite rattles if you own any. If not, a small box or container filled with rice can be used as a rattle.


Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman is a Medicine Woman honoring the ways of her Maya and Taino lineages of the curanderas and medicine elders within her family. She is a (Shamanic) MedicineWay healer/teacher & Karuna Reiki Master, Certified Crystal healer/teacher, Toltec Dreamweaver. Her style is accompanied by prayer work and traditional indigenous ceremonies to heal her community with heart. She is the co-founder of Shamanic Fire Reiki. Find Irma here or email her here.


Paying It Forward

We provide most of our community offerings and private sessions by sliding scale. This is based on the idea of ‘paying it forward’ which enables more people to access healing and wellness. This works when people pay as much as they can for our offerings to help others who may be less fortunate be able to gain access, too. We believe everyone is entitled to heal and thrive, and that practitioners deserve to earn a living wage. We are all in this together and choose to do our best to take care of one another. Thank you for being part of the MINKA community!

March 5

Reiki Drum Journey

March 7

In-Person Community Acupuncture & Reiki