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Light Language I


EXCHANGE: Level 1 $110; Level II $440; Both $550

REGISTER: Level I or sign up for both HERE

Light Language is an ancient teaching that has passed down through an unbroken lineage from the Mayan to a small group of Curanderos in Veracruz, Mexico. The ancient Aztec and Mayan tribes lived in alignment with the laws of the universe. They studied nature and the cosmos and actively learned and explored the foundational forces behind matter and creation. This study and knowledge revealed the truth of the forms and vibratory energies that make matter and manifestation possible. This wisdom that they were able to integrate and utilize for the highest good may be called Light Language.

Light Language is the understanding that all matter is composed of forms. The shapes and colors that comprise our divers reality on earth hold specific information. We exist with these laws unconsciously, in our speech you may see reflections of this hidden understanding in a phrase like "She's so square. I'm feeling with envy," etc. Whether we are conscious or not, we are in relationship to each other on this level of form.

In Light Language I Initiation, you will:

  • Be introduced to three universal laws which govern our existence

  • Learn about Platonic solids

  • Learn the basic shapes that can be used for communication and co-creation

  • Receive downloads regarding basic colors

  • Understand how form and color can literally shape your mind and reality

  • Consciously bring shapes and colors into you feel that support your highest good

  • Course includes 46-page Beginning Light Language manual

In Light Language II Initiation, you will deepen your understanding of how to co create existence and receive downloads of intermediate shapes and colors and information regarding the seven rays. Learn how to support the healing of the physical body using grid work, receive downloads on the energetics related to our bodies physical systems, and learn to create 49 shape grids to support collective and personal well being.

Sunder Ashni, daughter of Cynthia and Allan, is a Flower Essence therapist, IET Practitioner, Reiki Master, healing channel, educator and a private practitioner of Somatic Experiencing. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY with rich roots in the island of St. Vincent & The Grenadines. Ashni facilitates ceremonies, meditations, and experiences permeated with love that cultivate radical awareness, appreciation of self, and overall ecstatic wellness within participants and their community with the intention of re-cultivating a deep connection with our Earth mother.

December 12

In-Person Community Reiki

December 13

Introduction to Intuitive Reading Using Rocks and Crystals with Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman