MINKA MYstery School Course
*Prerequisite: Light Language I
Light Language is an ancient teaching that has passed down through an unbroken lineage from the Mayan to a small group of Curanderos in Veracruz, Mexico. Deepen your understanding with this intermediate course and:
Strengthen your understanding of how to co create existence
Receive downloads of intermediate shapes and colors
Receive downloads regarding the seven rays
Learn how to support the healing of the physical body using grid work
Receive downloads on the energetics related to our bodies physical systems
Learn to create 49 shape grids to support collective and personal well being
Receive a 250-page intermediate Light Language manual
Please dress comfortable and bring a full set of colored pencils and large blank sheets of paper to play with.
Ashni is a land steward, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Flower Essence Practitioner and so much more. She has a private practice at MINKA and in the Berkshires. She facilitates 1 on 1 and a group sessions, ceremonies, meditations and experiences permeated with love that cultivate radical awareness, appreciation of self and overall ecstatic wellness within participants and their community with the intention of re-cultivating a deep connection with our Earth mother. Learn more about her offerings here.