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Into the Depths: 9 Stages of Soul Healing

FACILITATED BY: Lindsay Fauntleroy

EXCHANGE: $725 | $100 Off for MINKA Community: use code MINKA9STAGES


Thursdays, 7-9pm EST

December 6th, 13th, 20th

January 10th, 17th, 24th

Into the Depths: 9 Stages of Soul Healing is open to all wellness practitioners as well as those immersed in a healing journey. Class meets weekly on Thursdays, 7pm-9pm EST/ 4pm-6pm PST.


Healing is not Linear

Energetic medicine is a subtle, yet profound way to support the soul on its journey, which is filled with ups and downs, successes and failures. The journey is spiral in nature as we suddenly and unexpectedly find ourselves revisiting childhood wounds that we thought we had healed, and rediscovering gifts we thought we had lost.

Into the Depths: the 9 Stages of Soul Healing is open to all professionals and students in the healing arts (Acupuncturists, massage therapists, REIKI practitioners, therapists, life coaches, energy workers, etc.)

Archetypal myths are stories layered with symbols and meaning that have broad applications across times and culture. This course explores the Sumerian Myth, The Descent of Inanna, along with healing narratives from across the globe. We'll chart the 9 Stages of Soul Healing- from Containment to Emergence- as a narrative structure for the archetypal healing process.

This class explores how the 9 Stages of Soul Healing align with modern myths, the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of Change, and the 4 Stages of Flower Essence Therapy. This course also covers how to set short- term, mid-range and long-term goals as mile markers as we monitor soul transformation in ourselves and/or clients.


Lindsay Fauntleroy is an acupuncturist, medicine maker, and the author of In Our Element: Using the Five Elements of Soul Medicine to Unleash your Personal Power. Lindsay's approach to "soul medicine" emerges from over 15 years of clinical practice, her doctoral studies of Afro-Indigenous psychology, and her commitment to community wellness.  She is the clinical director of The Spirit Seed, where she teaches personal and professional development courses on how to work with ancestral healing traditions to ease modern mayhem. Lindsay is a faculty member of MINKA's Consciousness of Radical Equity (CORE) Leadership Program, as well as the facilitator of MINKA’S Flower Essence Certification Program

You can find Lindsay featured in ESSENCE magazine, the SHIFT Network, Sirius XM Urban View, and as a guest on numerous mind-body podcasts. Lindsay's book, In Our Element, has been translated into Portuguese and Arabic, and is available on Kindle, Audible, and in the all of the places you love to buy books. Her flower essence remedies, The Elementals, are available nationally and internationally.

December 5

Reiki Drum Journey

December 6

Evening Reiki & Sound Meditation