FACILITATED BY: Aki Hirata Baker
EXCHANGE: $20-55* Sliding Scale
As we witness the injustice taking place, our natural response to that reality is rage, anger and grief.
This righteous rage is a essential fuel for change making, and it can also be a destructive internal mechanism that can tarnish our own sense of humanity and wellbeing. The journey of change making requires steadfast commitment as the road is winding and long, and the wellbeing of those who desire the change for the better is critical for the harmonious future making.
In this group session, we will map out the personal topography of these emotions through journaling and paired conversation. This information will be used to custom formulate flower essences for metabolizing and healing in order for participants to embody the ideals of hope and liberation from within. We will close the session with the journey into the embodiment of these ideals.
For this session, Aki will select flower essences for rage, anger, grief, hope, and trust in order for participants to identify their unique formulation under her guidance. Please note: ‘custom’ does not mean there will be individualized session for each participants; this will be done within the scope of metabolizing and transformation of rage, anger and grief for the continuation of social change work.
About flower essence therapy:
Although used since ancient times in Egypt and various parts of the world, flower essence as a form of healing modality was revived by Dr. Edward Bach in the early 1900’s. It is a form of energetic and vibrational medicine that works on the heart, mind and spirit of any living being.
No one is turned down for lack of funds for the workshop, please email soulflowermedicine@gmail.com at least 2 days prior to the session date. The material and shipping fee cannot be exempt.
*Custom flower essence formulations will be shipped to those who want to receive them. Material and shipping fee is available as an add-on for $25, and need to be paid in order for the item to be shipped.
This is a MINKA x Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Partnership Offering—Created to Bring Efforts of Equity, Diversity, and Decolonizing Work to All.
Aki Hirata Baker is attuned to various energetic healing frequencies including Usui Reiki, Earth Evolution Reiki, IET, and 13th Octave LaHoChi. She is also a master teacher of Usui Reiki, co-channeller of Earth Evolution Reiki symbols, and the founder of MINKA Brooklyn. She is a moondancer, and trained under numerous teachers of ancient traditions, including Hatha yoga, pranayama and meditation (Integral Yoga Institute), Ayurvedic Nutrition (Naina Marballi), Art of Energy Healing (Suzy Mezoly), MedicineWay (Irma StarSpirit Turtle Woman), Toltec Healing Practice (Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl), Curanderismo (Rita Navarete Prez and Tonia Gonzalez) and more.
Paying it Forward
We provide most of our community offerings and private sessions by sliding scale. This is based on the idea of ‘paying it forward’ which enables more people to access healing and wellness. This works when people pay as much as they can for our offerings to help others who may be less fortunate be able to gain access, too. We believe everyone is entitled to heal and thrive, and that practitioners deserve to earn a living wage. We are all in this together and choose to do our best to take care of one another.
Thank you for being part of the MINKA community!