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Reiki for Earth Ascension


FACILITATED by Manu Del Prete and Aki Hirata Baker

Investment: $200-300

Online via Zoom

This class is for anyone who has been attuned to Reiki 2 or above, IET intermediate or above, or 13th Octave LaHoChi. Please see our training schedule to join these certification courses.

Humanity is experiencing a major shift right now; different ancient cultures, mystics and psychics have spoken and predicted these times, and the shift we are currently experiencing has been predicted as one that creates a fundamental shift in the way human beings experience reality. According to the Toltec tradition of Mesoamerica, the transition has been happening from early 1990’s and culminating in 2020 to bring in the new reality in 2021.

Few years ago, we were given a new Reiki symbol, and it came to us from channeling during a trance-mediumship session. The specific instruction was given to practice using this symbol between the two masters, Manu Del Prete and Aki Hirata Baker, until the further instruction was given. During the spring of 2019, there was a call to go into another channeling session, during which we have received the instruction to start sharing this specific information to students in the year 2020 , as part of the tools for people to cope with and work with the energy of the earth ascension.

This information was given to humanity from the counsel of Ascended Reiki Masters; they have revealed that the practice of Reiki is ancient, older than anyone could record. The information revealed to Master Usui was a partial remembrance of what humanity once practiced, and there are many more Reiki symbols available for humanity in the future, when we will be ready.

In this class you will learn:

  • the origin of how the symbol came to us and how this symbol has changed our energy and practice

  • the meaning of this symbol and how to use it

  • what the earth ascension means and how you can navigated it

  • how to be prepared to help others with the energy of earth ascension

You will receive an attunement that will allow you to integrate this new frequency in your existing practice.  Students will have this healing practice for the rest of their life and it can become a significant source of inner support.

Manu and Aki will use 'twin' attuning', where both will be conducting attunement in the room at the same time. This offers extremely powerful energetic transference.


What Is Sliding Scale?
We offer all of our community offerings and some private sessions by Sliding Scale.
We believe everyone is entitled to heal their wounds so they can thrive; we also believe that the wellness and healing practitioners deserve to make a living wage. In order to make this possible, we ask you to pay as much as you can, so those who might not be able to pay as much can still receive their healing session - this is the idea behind 'paying it forward'. We are all in this together, and we choose to do our best to take care of one another. Thank you in advance!

January 21

Healing Plant Walk

January 28

The Path of Enlightenment