ABOUT kiyama


Email: kiyama.monique@gmail.com

IG: @_kiyama_

As a spiritually-rooted evolutionary, the core of my work is to embody the frequencies and vision of a Harmonious Earth; calling it forward through my own personal practice and by helping others fortify their own.

My 25+ year journey of Self-remembrance and holistic healing has included years self-doubt, addiction, depression, and severe physical challenges.  They catalyzed me into the necessary shadow work, spiritual awareness, and holistic practices that helped me re-establish Harmony as my baseline state of being and continue to renew every area of my life.

Metaphysics, mental reconditioning techniques, meditation, whole food nutrition, plant medicine, energy medicine, dance, elemental alchemy, numerology, breathwork, ancestral veneration, mentorship, community and (most importantly) unconditional love have all played a vital role in my healing and are the foundation I draw upon when supporting others. 

Through multi-modality energy medicine and intuitive counsel, I help my Clients:

  • tune into and trust their innate wisdom

  • cultivate greater coherence between their mind-body and Spirit

  • sooth and regulate their nervous systems

  • develop an intuitively guided self-healing practice

  • release worn out ways of being

  • & embolden their most authentic, vitalized selves. 

I am deeply grateful that I get to share my experience with those seeking support and pray they journey with more ease and self-love than I previously knew how to give myself. 


Kiyama Monique is an Intuitive Counselor, Teacher, Holistic Health & Energy Healing Practitioner. She is board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the International Board of African Thinkers, Traditional Priests, Healers, and Religions, Inc.  She received training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in partnership with Teachers College Columbia University, from the late Dr. Llaila Afrika, Elders of the Indigenous Focusing Orientated Therapy, & Root Alchemy Institute.  Kiyama is certified in Mikao Usui Reiki Master Level, Integrative Energy Therapy, Light Language, 13th Octave LaHoChi, and is a practicing Vibrational Alchemist under the tutelage of Elder Teacher, Diana Pharr.  Her mission is to support our holistic realignment with our True Nature so that we create harmony within ourSelves, between One another, and with our beloved Earth.