ABOUT elia

Elia (they/them/theirs), is a light-skinned Black trans non binary ancestral wound alchemist, witch and artist living between in Marseille, France and Berlin, Germany. They work with divination arts such as astrology, Reiki, Tarot and hypnosis. Drawing from ancestral knowledge & grounded in an intimate relationship with the land, the more than human, Spirit, Ancestry & the Elements, their practice is rooted in weaving ancient and modern practices into tangible healing tools that are in support of ancestral healing, radical self-love and collective liberation.

They work with change-makers, healing practitioners, artists, faes and radical self-lovers to excavate pain and bring their creative genius back to the surface. Elia deeply believes that it's in our deepest wounds that hides our creative genius, and their role is to guide you finding your way back home to your selves on your own terms.


Ancestral wound excavation session

90-120min - $155

In this session, we dig deep into a wound that has been lingering under the surface of your skin. Maybe it’s a pattern you’ve observed in your selves, your family or communities, maybe it’s a dream or a conflict that keeps coming back, but you’re ready to excavate the wound and reclaim fragmented parts of you that have been disowned for too long.

Often, our wounds are coping mechanism we’ve developed in response to pain, shame, hurt to protect our selves. However, further ignoring the pain not only keeps us stuck in cycles of guilt and shame, it also requires a deep fragmentation within that often mirror our external relationships to our communities and the world at large.

Drawing from hypnosis, Reiki and other meditation technics, you will be guided through a hypno-poetic trance to reconnect and listen to this wound. Actively listening to our inner conflicts allows us to open ourselves to their innate wisdom. Only then, can we reconcile with our pain in a way that is authentic to our selves.

Reparenting our inner child

50-75min - $120

In this session, you will be guided through a hypno-poetic trance to meet your future selves and resource your child selves in the past.

Drawing from hypnosis, Reiki and timeline therapy, this session is made for you if you have been feeling stuck with past pains and would like to find a way to reconcile with them in a safe environment.

Timeline Jumping

50-75 min - $120

In this session, we connect to a resourced future version of you to better show up to your present. Whatever you’re going through today, your future selves has overcome.

Drawing from hypnosis, Reiki and other meditation technics, you will be guided through a hypno-poetic trance to connect to a different timeline in which the situations of today are seen in a different light.

Past life Regression

50-75 min - $120

Maybe remnants of past lives feel very present in this physical lifetime and yet difficult to grasp? Maybe some of your relational dynamics in this lifetime feel fated?

Maybe you’ve wondered about inherited gifts, challenges, relationships from a past life?

In this session, I will be guiding you through a hypnotic trance to travel (with a chosen guide) to the past, explore a past life and find answers to your questions.


I really enjoyed working with Elia, they made me feel very safe and heard. It was really helpful to talk a little bit about my current emotional state in the beginning and I liked how they incorporated this and the questions that they asked me into the mind massage. In general I found it amazing how Elia was able to personalize the massage so much with knowing so little about me. The massage definitely loosened something in me and it felt like everything got a little brighter and lighter. I really enjoyed the focus on nature since I live in a bigger city and sometimes feel quite disconnected to it. I am very thankful that Elia introduced me to this safe, happy place in nature that exists in me and that I can now always access when I need it. I also thought that the length of the massage was just right and that the transitions in and out of it felt very gentle. All in all the massage really helped me calm down and be more aware of myself on a day I needed it and i'm very grateful for that :) ~ Faith (hypnosis session)

The hypnosis session was more than I could have hoped for from a first experience. I went into it open minded and Elia guided me through the experience with such care. I can’t express my gratitude in words. The session is something that has profoundly impacted me and I’m beyond thankful for this experience. ~ Rahma (hypnosis session)

Elia's reading has changed my life. In the weeks since my natal chart and transits reading with Elia, I feel grounded and expansive, brimming with possibility and rooted in my capacity to meet challenges. Elia is skilled, compassionate, grounded, deeply intelligent, and giving in their reading -- and I came away feeling truly seen, heard, and understood in ways I've never encountered before. (I know this is a big statement, but it's true!) To be seen in this way -- by Elia as they collaborate with and interpret the universe -- has changed how I see myself, my purpose, my promise, my challenges, my gifts, and my responsibilities. Elia showed me the gifts I hold that are so natural they've gone unseen, forgotten. Elia offered practices and wisdom to support me in meeting my challenges and opening to my natal promise. I'm changed, truly: closer to becoming myself now, my visions shifting into place regarding how I give and love and meet my responsibilities to the world, and how I must tend to myself in order to fulfill those responsibilities. Thank you, Elia. Thank you. ~ Beck (astrology reading)